Future Proofing For Later Life

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As we age, most of us will want to stay in our own homes, living as independently as possible.  With the right information, advice and planning, many people can enjoy living in their own homes for as long as they wish.

So how do you start to future-proof? I’ve put together a quick a mini guide:

Make your home safe:

  • Think about trip hazards – it is estimated that over half of falls in the home are caused by seemingly innocent rugs and mats! 
  • If you are planning on having a new bathroom consider a walk-in shower or a wet room, eliminating another fall hazard in years to come. 
  • Grab rails can help to access a property, navigate steps or maintain balance but they don’t need to be the white rails you often see.  Some companies offer stylish “invisible” grab rails cunningly disguised as towel rails, plant holders or even loo roll holders.
  • Stairs are also easier to climb with handrails on either side, known as “bi-lateral” handrails.

Also keep in mind that less expensive aids and adaptations like grab rails, shower stools, stair rails etc can be obtained for free following an assessment.

Organise your home:

  • Get rid of the clutter, not only can it be a potential trip hazard but it also makes finding things a lot easier and there will be less dust! 
  • Get your paperwork in order and file it away, you may want to let someone you trust know where you keep your important paperwork.
  • Use technology to your advantage. There are many devices and apps that can help you live more independently, such as smart home assistants, personal alarm systems, taxi apps and front door cameras.

Review your finances:

  • You may have to pay for carers in the future, they currently cost between £18 and £35 per hour or you might be eligible for local authority funded care.  Talking to an expert financial adviser could help you plan for the future.
  • You may be eligible for benefits including non-means tested benefits like Attendance Allowance.

Think about future decisions:

  • It is worth considering Lasting Powers of Attorney.  Putting this in place means that if ever you are unable to make decisions about your finances or health and well-being, you have chosen trusted people to legally make those decisions on your behalf.  Like an insurance policy, you may never need it but once it’s done, you can file it away with the other paperwork and forget about it!
  • I don’t like to mention Wills but it’s important to think about them. Having an up-to-date Will can make life easier for those left behind.  And again, once it’s done you can forget about it!

Future-proofing means you can enjoy your life now with less worry about what would happen if you start finding life more difficult. 

Family Care Advice offers a 30 minute discovery call, completely free of charge and without obligation.  We’re happy to talk about future-proofing and provide you with independent advice and support in total confidence.

Contact us on 0116 2404 976 or 07902544938 or [email protected]


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Home care – providing support in your own home

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