3 Top Tips for finding the right Care Home
Moving into a care home is not inevitable as we age, only 4% of over 65 year olds and 15% of over 85 year olds live in a residential care setting, but if you or a loved one are considering residential care, where do you start?
Here are 3 top tips to help you make your decision:
Firstly, establish how you are going to fund yours or a loved ones care home fees and how much you can afford.
Residential/Nursing Home fees are generally between £700 to £2000 per week, so it is very important to understand what you can afford.
If you have more than £23,250 in savings and assets, you will usually be referred to as a “self funder” and will be required to fund your care home from your own finances. Surprisingly, almost half (47%) of older people living in a care home are self funders meaning they are paying the full fee for their care.
However, if you have less than £23,250 in savings and assets, the local authority may fund your placement.
And if you have nursing care needs, you could be funded by the NHS.
Care Quality Rating
Another key point is to find out the CQC rating.
The Care Quality Commission is responsible for monitoring all residential homes where care is provided and ensuring they meet set standards. In fact, they inspect residential and nursing homes on a regular basis and as a result of their inspection, award them a rating.
For example, within 5 miles of Hinckley, Leicestershire, there are approximately 33 homes, 25 are rated as GOOD but 7 REQUIRE IMPROVEMENT.
Visiting the Care Home
Finally, if you can, try to visit without an appointment.
Making a visit, without an appointment, is one of the best ways to get a feel for the home and how you or a loved one would fit in there.
Try to avoid busy times like meal times and look out for how friendly the staff are, how engaged the residents are and how clean the home is. And ask questions!
These are a few suggestions to help you on your way to finding the perfect home for you or your loved ones.
Family Care Advice offer a Residential Care Home/Nursing Home Research Service to take some of the stress, hard work and endless calls away from you.
Our FREE 30 minute Discovery Call can help you to understand care home funding and how we can help you. There is no obligation to use our services.
Please feel free to schedule a FREE Discovery Call click the link below, we look forward to speaking with you!
Alternatively, Contact Family Care Advice on 0116 2404 976 or 07902 544938 or email m.forty@familycareadvice.co.uk to arrange your FREE call.